Honors Experiential Learning Opportunity Approval Form

In addition to the form below, students seeking credit for internships must fill out the University of Montana's Learning Agreement form to count an honors internship toward their University Scholar requirements.

The Learning Agreement is halfway down the page at this link: https://www.umt.edu/experiential-learning-career-success/

Credit for Internship Opportunities Because the Davidson Honors College is committed to student engagement in learning, we offer the opportunity for students to earn credit for internship opportunities by collaborating with a mentor in developing an academic plan to augment the internship experience. Any DHC student in good academic standing may design an academic internship course for a variable 2-or 3-credit experience. Students will register for either (HONR 198, 398, or 498) during the term of their internship. We permit students with summer internships to register for credit and turn in assignments to the faculty mentor in the fall following the internship experience. The mentor must be willing to evaluate and grade the student’s work, and the student must complete any assignments discussed with the mentor (such as reading, writing, fieldwork, research, or community service) to earn credit. Your mentor will provide the discipline-specific criteria necessary for your work. Generally, it is a good idea to devise coursework that will complement or supplement the material covered in a regular course, major, intended profession, as well as the internship experience.    Guidelines: 

  • The Experiential Learning Opportunity  Form should be completed by you with support and approval from the mentor and will include a description of the proposed project. The completed form should be submitted no later than the end of the third week of the semester (different deadlines for summer sessions). 
  • The online form will ask for your information, your mentor's information, and a 300-400-word description of the work you propose. Be sure that the description includes learning objectives, specific assignments, and the requirements for completion. If you have a project title, please include it. The description should include any scheduled meetings and due dates for materials as discussed between mentor and student. 
  • Proposed mentors must be faculty/staff/or instructors at the University of Montana.
  • When completing the form, select the appropriate HONR level to complement your existing year-in-school. For example, if you are a freshman or sophomore and the internship is an entry-level position, select the HONR 198 option, if you are more advanced in credits and are generally taking 300-level courses, then the 398 or 498 would be better options. 
  • Once the form has been submitted a DHC staff member will email you with registration information.
  • The Honors internship course must be taken for a traditional letter grade. 
  • At the end of the semester (fall semester for most summer internships), the DHC will contact the mentor to request the grade. The letter grade will then be recorded through CyberBear. If the internship coursework has not been completed by the end of the semester, the mentor should still submit an appropriate letter grade (either “I” incomplete or “N” in progress), to be followed by a final grade when the work is complete.

 Davidson Honors College Learning Objectives: 

  • Think critically. Identify, evaluate, and integrate available information and arguments; develop logical and reasonable positions across a wide range of issues.
  • Communicate. Express ideas and arguments through oral and written strategies; develop strong listening skills.
  • Collaborate. Contribute to, and lead if necessary, a diverse team in pursuit of a shared goal. 
  • Solve problems. Employ rigorous quantitative and/or qualitative analysis to identify informed solutions to complex challenges.
  • Design and execute an original project. From initiation to manifestation and public presentation.
  • Act ethically. Make decisions based on the University of Montana’s four guiding principles: innovation and creativity, openness, partnership, and impact.
  • Engage as a citizen. Strengthen commitment to meaningful service and community.

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